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Pete Van Regenmorter
Jan 10, 2017
Kicking Off the New Year.
2016 was a good year, and 2017 is already shaping up to be better. I feel like I'm kicking the year off with about 15 footballs...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Aug 29, 2016
Winding Down. Ramping Up.
For me, it's been a great summer of family trips, beaches, golfing, and fishing (the latter two with mixed results). Unfortunately, the...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Jul 26, 2016
Bring It To Life.
If you're a marketing director at a company of any size, you know how to piece together one mean marketing plan. It has the reach to...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Jun 22, 2016
Strategy. It's Baked Right In.
When it comes to generating advertising creative, I've always been a "show don't tell" person. No need to research and focus group a...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Apr 29, 2016
Big Ideas, Revisited.
Funny. The last heading from my last blog post was "You Don't Need a Big Agency to Get Big Ideas." Since that proclamation, I have been...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Mar 22, 2016
Flattery By Jeep (Unbeknownst To Them).
Big Game Flashback Of all the ads from the past Biggest Professional Football Game in February that Shall Remian Nameless, one ad stood...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Mar 8, 2016
How We Spend Our Free Time
Imagine your accountant on vacation. He or, let's say she, is toasting in the sun on some remote tropical beach with a ridiculous...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Mar 4, 2016
Fab Feb
As the avid follower of this blog that you are, you've no doubt noted that there were no posts for February. That's because we were busy...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Mar 2, 2016
Wish We'd Done That. Oh, Wait, We Did! Installment 4
Here's an ad we designed recently that we're rather proud of. Technically, this is a trade ad. But, really it's simply an ad. An ad...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Jan 18, 2016
Wish We'd Done That. Oh, Wait, We Did! Installment 3
The billboard series pictured above is now brightening the bleak winter skies throughout Holland, Michigan. We created it for Holland...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Jan 16, 2016
Ideas. You Can Never Have Enough.
The Story If you haven't heard the story, it goes something like this: Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. OK, I'm guessing you knew...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Dec 11, 2015
Who We're NOT Hiring.
You'll never see these guys around the Captivation Capital watercooler. We've never employed them; never will. Mumbo jumbo, business...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Nov 18, 2015
Wish We'd Done That. Oh, Wait, We Did! Installment 2
Welcome back to the next installment of WWDTOWWD! Today, I invite you to digitally page through this brochure we wrote and designed for...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Nov 18, 2015
Why Captivate?
Why invest in creative, captivating approaches to communicating with your target audience, when communication is as simple as showing...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Nov 17, 2015
What is Captivation Capital? Part 1
Your company could benefit from a banana waffle machine, organic free-range accounting (see Figure 1), supersonic cubicle...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Nov 4, 2015
Wish We'd Done That. Oh, Wait, We Did! Installment 1
Don't get me wrong. I see stuff every day that makes me (grudgingly) mutter to myself..."wish I'd done that." But this running...
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