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Pete Van Regenmorter
Aug 22, 2022
Three-Year Catch-up Part Two
Busyness and the world going sideways since 2020 put my project updates on the back burner for three years. Now I'm catching up. Here's a...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Aug 5, 2022
Three Years. Where'd They Go?
Well, we all know where a couple of them went. It's been three years since my last project update in 2019, so I'll be playing catch-up...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Jan 30, 2018
Cover to Cover Captivation
As mentioned in my last blog post (FIVE months ago!) I was busy last August. Still busy. You say, "Congratulations, but what's it to me?"...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Mar 22, 2016
Flattery By Jeep (Unbeknownst To Them).
Big Game Flashback Of all the ads from the past Biggest Professional Football Game in February that Shall Remian Nameless, one ad stood...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Mar 8, 2016
How We Spend Our Free Time
Imagine your accountant on vacation. He or, let's say she, is toasting in the sun on some remote tropical beach with a ridiculous...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Mar 2, 2016
Wish We'd Done That. Oh, Wait, We Did! Installment 4
Here's an ad we designed recently that we're rather proud of. Technically, this is a trade ad. But, really it's simply an ad. An ad...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Jan 18, 2016
Wish We'd Done That. Oh, Wait, We Did! Installment 3
The billboard series pictured above is now brightening the bleak winter skies throughout Holland, Michigan. We created it for Holland...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Nov 18, 2015
Wish We'd Done That. Oh, Wait, We Did! Installment 2
Welcome back to the next installment of WWDTOWWD! Today, I invite you to digitally page through this brochure we wrote and designed for...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Nov 4, 2015
Wish We'd Done That. Oh, Wait, We Did! Installment 1
Don't get me wrong. I see stuff every day that makes me (grudgingly) mutter to myself..."wish I'd done that." But this running...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Oct 26, 2015
Driven By Captivation
Captivation Capital, Inc. is on the move. See, one of the beauties of Captivation Capital®—captivating advertising concepts so valuable...
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