Three-Year Catch-up Part Two
Busyness and the world going sideways since 2020 put my project updates on the back burner for three years. Now I'm catching up. Here's a...
Three-Year Catch-up Part Two
Three Years. Where'd They Go?
Ultimate Mindshare.
Cover to Cover Captivation
Spontaneous Vertical Exponential Capacity Expansion. (And Other Buzzwords I Just Made Up.)
Good and Quick. Any Questions?
Kicking Off the New Year.
Winding Down. Ramping Up.
Strategy. It's Baked Right In.
Big Ideas, Revisited.
Flattery By Jeep (Unbeknownst To Them).
How We Spend Our Free Time
Fab Feb
Wish We'd Done That. Oh, Wait, We Did! Installment 4
Wish We'd Done That. Oh, Wait, We Did! Installment 3
Wish We'd Done That. Oh, Wait, We Did! Installment 2
What is Captivation Capital? Part 1
Wish We'd Done That. Oh, Wait, We Did! Installment 1
Gotta Love It 2
Driven By Captivation