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Pete Van Regenmorter
Nov 18, 2015
Wish We'd Done That. Oh, Wait, We Did! Installment 2
Welcome back to the next installment of WWDTOWWD! Today, I invite you to digitally page through this brochure we wrote and designed for...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Nov 18, 2015
Why Captivate?
Why invest in creative, captivating approaches to communicating with your target audience, when communication is as simple as showing...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Nov 17, 2015
What is Captivation Capital? Part 1
Your company could benefit from a banana waffle machine, organic free-range accounting (see Figure 1), supersonic cubicle...

Pete Van Regenmorter
Nov 4, 2015
Wish We'd Done That. Oh, Wait, We Did! Installment 1
Don't get me wrong. I see stuff every day that makes me (grudgingly) mutter to myself..."wish I'd done that." But this running...
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