Pete Van RegenmorterMay 8, 2018Ultimate Mindshare.It occurred to me that I've used this blog mainly to tout recent successful projects or pontificate about this or that advertising...
Pete Van RegenmorterJan 30, 2018Cover to Cover CaptivationAs mentioned in my last blog post (FIVE months ago!) I was busy last August. Still busy. You say, "Congratulations, but what's it to me?"...
Pete Van RegenmorterAug 30, 2017Spontaneous Vertical Exponential Capacity Expansion. (And Other Buzzwords I Just Made Up.)Captivation Capital Advertising is wrapping up one of its busiest Augusts on record: creative for an over 100-panel trade show exhibit...
Pete Van RegenmorterMar 13, 2017Good and Quick. Any Questions?I just received an email from a client, an excerpt of which is "dramatized" above. If you're looking to develop any kind of advertising,...